Porcelain Veneers

Porcelain Veneers Pretty Female Model With Perfect Smile Young Beautiful

There’s a significant emphasis on our teeth’ ongoing health and function. However, it’s equally important that our smiles be something we are proud to share. Smiling confidently can influence how others perceive us and can uplift the moods of others. Further, being able to smile freely can also reduce stress and anxiety, alleviate depression, and leave us feeling better overall. We commonly hear our patients express concerns about the appearance of their smiles. Porcelain veneers are just one approach to resolving these concerns offered at Aloe Dental Wellness.

Discover Porcelain Veneers At Aloe Dental Wellness

Porcelain veneers are among the top options for addressing aesthetic dental concerns. Veneers are capable of addressing multiple concerns at once. You can obscure chipped teeth, gaps between your teeth, mild misalignment, and correct malformed teeth with a single treatment. Porcelain veneers are durable and reliable, correcting these concerns while retaining proper function. Further, porcelain has a semi-translucent quality that closely mirrors the appearance of natural enamel.

Porcelain veneers can produce incredible results in a relatively short amount of time. The process begins with a full dental exam and analysis of your concerns. Sometimes, you may require additional dental care before receiving porcelain veneers. This is common when restorations need to be performed, root canals are needed, or other concerns need to be addressed before they can be placed. You also need sufficient enamel to undergo the procedure, as a thin layer will need to be removed to create room for veneers. Receiving porcelain veneers typically involves the following steps:

  • Once you have been cleared to receive veneers, your appointment will be scheduled. The first step involves the removal of a thin layer of enamel from your teeth in preparation for placing the veneers.
  • A dental impression will be created as a template to build your porcelain veneers. This impression is used to generate a 3D model for the dental lab to create them.
  • Temporary veneers will be put in place after the impression is taken. These will remain in place until the dental lab receives the final veneer. You will be scheduled for an appointment when they arrive.
  • During your next appointment, the temporary veneers will be removed, and the permanent ones affixed. Some final modifications of the veneer may be necessary to ensure it fits properly.

Following this final stage, you may be provided mild pain relievers to adjust any discomfort from the procedure. You’ll also be given thorough instructions on caring for your veneers to ensure they remain beautiful and functional for years to come.

Schedule Your Assessment For Porcelain Veneers Today

Porcelain veneers have restored self-confidence in many patients, allowing them to smile with pride again. The first step is seeing Dr. Cadavid for a full dental exam and consultation. Together you’ll develop a personalized treatment plan to produce the incredible results available with porcelain veneers.

If you're in need of care, contact us today.

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