Teeth Whitening

Dentist Starting Teeth Whitening Procedure With Young Man.

Our enamel is the most resilient substance in our bodies. However, it’s still subject to staining from age, disease, and outside sources. Dental whitening is one of America’s most popular cosmetic dental procedures. While over-the-counter treatments are available, there is a limit to their effectiveness when deep staining exists. Aloe Dental Wellness provides a range of highly effective whitening treatments to patients in the Santa Barbara area.

Brightening Your Smile With Professional Whitening

Most dental whitening treatments use a peroxide solution to achieve their results. This is true for both over-the-counter treatments and professional treatments alike. The primary difference between OTC treatments and those provided by Dr. Cadavid is the strength of the solution. Additionally, professional whitening treatments use a special light to enhance the effectiveness of this peroxide solution.  

This type of whitening is only appropriate for enamel staining. Some dental discoloration comes from other sources, including decay, age, and disease. Which form of whitening process you need to achieve results depends on the type of staining you have.

There are three primary sources of dental discoloration:

  • Extrinsic Stains – These stains form within the enamel on the tooth’s surface. They are frequently the result of poor dental hygiene, coloring from foods, dark wines, and beers. However, tobacco use is among the most common sources of extrinsic stains. Thankfully, these are the easiest type of stains to address.
  • Intrinsic Stains – This type of stain forms within the dentin, found beneath the enamel. Peroxide treatments are unable to address this kind of staining. The most common approach to correcting this kind of staining is veneers, a thin layer of composite resin or porcelain placed over the tooth’s surface.
  • Age-Related Staining – As we age, we may develop dental staining. This staining is typically the result of the pulp within our teeth dying. Other causes are calcium or Vitamin D deficiency. Dental bonding or veneers are the most appropriate way to resolve this staining.

Addressing dental staining is typically done with the aforementioned peroxide treatments. Dr. Cadavid will apply a strong peroxide solution to your teeth when these are used. This solution is exposed to a light that will enhance its effectiveness of this solution. You may be sent home with a personalized set of whitening trays when multiple treatments are necessary. These trays will come with instructions that must be followed closely to prevent damage to your teeth.

Call Aloe Dental Wellness for Your Tooth Whitening Needs

If you’ve been struggling with dental staining and want to be able to smile without reservation, call our Santa Barbara office to schedule an appointment. You’ll meet with Dr. Cadavid to receive a full dental exam and discuss the treatment options available for addressing your concern. You’ll leave your appointment with a treatment plan to achieve a brighter, more beautiful smile. Reach out to our team to schedule your next visit today to get started on your dental whitening journey!

If you're in need of care, contact us today.

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