Emergency Dental

Awful Toothache. Frustrated Young Women Suffering From Toothache While Sitting

When we learn about performing First Aid, it’s common that dental emergencies are not covered. Learning how to care for dental emergencies is integral to saving a tooth that may otherwise be lost. Even a knocked-out tooth can be saved when proper first aid steps are taken. Aloe Dental Wellness is there to help when emergencies occur and can help you learn about dental first aid so you can prepare.

Responding To Dental Emergencies Effectively

Distress and discomfort are familiar companions to a dental emergency. Whether the damage is superficial or a tooth has been broken or knocked out, you can take steps to preserve the tooth. The following guide will help you know what your first move should be and when to come to see Dr. Cadavid at Aloe Dental Wellness. 

  • Toothaches: A toothache is a typical result of a dental emergency. This pain can be mild in nature, or feel entirely debilitating. Your sensitivity to oral pain and the severity of the injury determines the level of pain you may experience.
  • Tooth Displacement: When a tooth has been knocked out of place, it’s often still possible to save the tooth. Acting quickly is an essential part of ensuring the survival of the tooth. Failure to do so dramatically reduces the likelihood that the tooth can be saved. If you’ve had a tooth knocked out, take the following steps:
    • Gently retrieve the tooth, gripping it by the crown (top), or white part
    • Use cool water to remove dirt and debris.
    • Once clean, adults can press the tooth back into place.
    • Placing it in a cheek pocket, or in milk, is also effective.
    • Immediately visit our clinic in Santa Barbara, CA.
  • Dental Fracture: A sudden sharp impact on your tooth can result in it becoming fractured or cracked. In this event, you need to immediately contact our office and schedule an appointment to see Dr. Cadavid. These cracks can provide access to bacteria, which can lead to the pulp becoming infected.
  • Dental Infection: Infections in the tooth are definitely a cause for concern. The bacteria within your tooth or gumline can attack bone and dental tissue leading to permanent damage. Infections within the tooth can be addressed with a root canal treatment. Left untreated dental infections can become life-threatening. 

Regardless of the dental emergency, you must contact Aloe Dental Wellness immediately. Our team will guide you in performing proper first aid and let you know your next steps.

See Us For Dental Emergencies At Aloe Dental Wellness

No matter when your dental emergency occurs, be sure to contact our office. Our team is active in ensuring the lasting oral health of our patients. When you reach out to us, you’ll be directed to the best steps to take to preserve your oral health during an emergency. Once you visit our office, we’ll build a treatment plan to help you recover from the emergency and restore your smile. Together, we can maintain your beautiful, healthy smile for a lifetime.

If you're in need of care, contact us today.

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